Train with us

Facefit provides a set of three unique exercises that focus on major facial muscle groups including the jawline, cheeks, and lips. By following these videos, you can perfect your form, learn to target different muscles, and achieve noticeable results quickly.


Side Bites target the masseter, platysma, and neck muscles, which are responsible for chewing. Regularly performing Side Bites can gradually strengthen and define your jawline.


Front Bites focus on the buccinator, risoris, and zygomatis muscles underlying the cheeks, providing a targeted workout for fuller and lifted cheeks.


Lip Pulses activate the multi-layered orbicularis oris muscle that lies beneath the lips, providing a focused workout that can promote healthier and plumper lips with regular practice.

Training Guide

Achieve success with the comprehensive training guide, featuring warm-ups, exercises, correct form, and customized training routines.